Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Alberto’s farm

Jorge Alberto remembers that when he arrived at his farm a few years ago he could find tapirs. He also told us about the peace that he breathes on his plot compared to city life.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Alfonso’s farm

Alfonso teaches us a little of his knowledge of natural medicine, this knowledge encourages him to conserve in order to find the medicine on his farm

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Lucio’s farm

Lucio is a wise man, he calls for conserving nature to ensure that trees help control high temperatures and clean the air, and animals can feed on their fruits.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Amparo’s farm

Amparo is a woman passionate about nature, she invites us to take care of it, planting trees, and protecting animals so that people can enjoy the animals and the pure air that is breathed in this territory.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Benito’s farm

Benito tells us the names of the trees found on his farm, the animals, and the water sources as well. He invites young people to care for and preserve nature, which is the habitat of many species.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Esneida’s farm

Esneida conserves the jungle because of the oxygen produced by the trees, the water sources, and the diversity of flora and fauna. He advises young people to take care of forests and water sources to preserve life and their beauty.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Hilda’s farm

Hilda invites us to conserve trees and take care of nature, which provides us with food and life. She believes that Savimbo is a good and serious company.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Fermin’s farm

Fermin relates that for him it is very important to take care of the species of animals and trees because of the pure oxygen they produce, for the well-being of the flora and fauna.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Cesar’s farm

Julio Cesar fights to conserve the river basin to avoid pollution, which is why he joined the Savimbo project, which he conserves as he also likes to do.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Rolan’s farm

Rolan advises young people to conserve nature, which is one of the greatest assets of Colombia, and invites them not to cut down trees so that water can be conserved.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Elisa’s farm

Blanca Elisa, a woman with experience and wisdom, tells us about the names of the trees, animals and water sources that she has on her property, she advises not to cut down and continue conserving.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Eliecer’s farm

Eliecer invites us to continue taking care of the jungle so that the animals are preserved and future generations can learn about the different species that inhabit it.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Alvaro’s farm

Alvaro recommends taking care of the flora, fauna, and water sources because that will be the wealth of the future, he thanks the company for this project and invites them to continue visiting more farmers to join the project".

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Oneiro’s farm

Oneiro invites us to continue taking care of the jungle so that the animals are preserved and thus be able to set an example for future generations.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Servio’s farm

Servio Tulio tells us that on his property there is a variety of trees, animals, and hydric sources. He advises us not to cut out trees because they give us pure oxygen.

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