Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Venancio’s farm

Jose Venancio is a man with experience and wisdom, he tells us about the names of the trees, animals, and water sources that he has on his farm, and he advises future generations not to destroy nature.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Gerardo’s farm

Gerardo is a wise man, he tells us about the kind of animals and trees he has on his farm, which he has owned for approximately 43 years. He invites people to learn about the project and be part of it.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Jairo’s farm

Jairo invites us to continue protecting our environment, everyone's responsibility. Together we can preserve the beauty of our planet for future generations.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Jorge’s farm

Jorge invites us to conserve biodiversity and work together to ensure a sustainable future. Our commitment is the key to preserving the richness of life on earth.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Maria’s farm

Maria calls to continue protecting the jungle, recommending new generations to plant trees so that the forests are preserved and thus continue conserving.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Clara’s farm

Clara is a wise woman who has always protected the mountains on her property from which several water sources are born that are very valuable to her.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Angel’s farm

Angel is an environmentalist who has been fighting to conserve his properties. He joined the Savimbo project to decontaminate the air and preserve the fauna in these areas.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Alejandro’s farm

Brayan Alejandro has been conserving his property for 5 years and invites future generations to contribute to the environment, take care of it and not damage it.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Flor’s farm

Blanca Flor tells us the importance of continuing to conserve the diversity of flora and fauna that exists on her property, which is why she joined the project.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Leida’s farm

Leida, a wise woman who advises to continue taking care of the forests and water sources so that water is renewed and available to everyone.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Tigres del Alto reserve

Jhony tells us that in his community they are looking for a way to train both children and adults in environmental care since environmental education is ahead in so many years of conservation.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Heriberto’s farm

Heriberto has lived on this farm for 43 years, where he conserves with great satisfaction. He wants the mountain to be preserved from generation to generation.

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