Post-colonial ecotourism and conscious travel
Whats ecotourism? This article is for the conscious modern traveler. Travel with social justice and cultural preservation.

Bridging & bonding social capital
Social capital is something Indigenous communities have in abundance. Here's why understanding it is essential to fair trade.

The Batwa on reforestation
Prince Autu of the Batwa comments on their Indigenous-led reforestation project.

Methodologies for biodiversity credit certification: a necessary evil?
How biodiversity markets can iterate from carbon markets and streamline methodology development.

Climate change? Or the barbarism of capitalism
Independent Indigenous leaders on climate conferences without adequate Indigenous Peoples representation

True sustainability will be the indigenous lifestyle
Why COP28 is the ultimate expression of misunderstanding climate change

The rights of Indigenous Peoples in the biodiversity credit market
What you need to know before doing anything in biodiversity markets

A son of Hawai’i on its ecology
How indigenous history shapes biodiversity, ecology, and stewardship.

Moving beyond a tokenistic participation of Indigenous Peoples in nature financing
Indigenous Peoples have become a ‘hot topic’ in the business, climate, and conservation communities. But to what end?

The voice of the Indigenous Peoples of the world on the planetary environmental emergency
The voice of the Indigenous Peoples of the world on the planetary environmental emergency.

How it works, Savimbo’s biodiversity credit
The Amazon has biodiversity. We should preserve it. How? Well, we’re glad you asked.

Biodiversity credits, hactivists, and Indigenous groups
We need to innovate in climate. Indigenous groups have solutions, but we’ve been ignoring them. NOW is the time to change methods.

Planetary consciousness
We must think at a planetary scale, to solve planet-wide problems. Why we store carbon in the Amazon.

Fernando Lezama, the man of visions
Fernando Lezama, Savimbo’s co-founder tells the story of his path traditional doctor and his vision for co-existence with the rainforest.

Jhony López, protector of the jaguar
Jhony López, Savimbo’s co-founder tells the story of the regional struggle to protect the Amazon rainforest.

Biodiversity credits, the new frontier
Biodiversity credits are the new climate frontier, and biodiversity methodologies are the key to stopping deforestation in the Amazon.

Why our trees cost $5
How we create revenue-generating economies that stop deforestation — and reverse its path.

Sexytrees: Can a tree be sexy?
The word sexy is always trendy. But what is sexy? Human beings use it to define the person we find attractive. Trees also display their charms. You might even find them…sexy.

Why smallfarmers matter in the carbon market
Smallfarmers, also known as subsistence farmers, are the most under-utilized global element in the fight against climate change.

Why good CEOs are buying carbon credits now
The Paris Accord will bring ever-tightening regulations. Businesses that put off facing this challenge dramatically increase their costs and overall risk.