High-tech, low-resource.
Technology is only valuable to the extent it allows us to live meaningful lives.
Photography by @ZachZublena
Technology is a tool
One of our values is “Now.” We live in the Now, we work in the realities of Now, and we turn off our phones for the Now.
We like technology that is sturdy, solves real-world problems and enables quality human interactions. We teach our growers how to use emerging technologies to achieve digital equity and financial independence, but we’re selective about the technologies we introduce.
Drone scans
Savimbo uses drone scans for aerial photography, videos, topographical mapping, and 3D scans (LiDAR and point-cloud photogrammetry).
Game cameras
We’ve discovered game photography can replace a lot of hunting-for-sport activities but we don’t take photographs often so as not to disrupt wildlife.
Satellite mapping provides a visual representation of the terrain, allowing for detailed maps of large areas with high accuracy.
We use mobile phones for on-the-ground tracking. Tropical forests are not made for technology and we love Otterbox because it works.
Internet stations
We like being off the grid and many of our growers do too. We do install satellite internet stations for community use, medivac, and to enable electronic payments but we use GPS the rest of the time.
We have a partnership with Garmin and most of our work is done outside of cell-phone range thanks to their support.
Drone scans
This data helps us certify our carbon credits, assess biodiversity and ecosystems, track and compare our reforestation plots, establish land rights for indigenous groups, and create promotional videos for our admittedly rabid fans.
The video to the right is our first drone scan. We validate our plots, track carbon sequestration and jungle integrity, and certify our credits using drones. A big part of Savimbo's mandate is to train local talent with trustless verification methods instead of importing outsiders to manage projects.
Our blockchain lives in the cloud and we use it to track payments, but we use the most stable regional banking system for transactable good for micro payments - based on Growers feedback.
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