Fairness is not accidental, it happens by design.
Equity innovations
Savimbo was designed by Indigenous leaders to teach conscious business.
We❤️ 🌎

Savimbo’s three cofounders
Poverty → Environmental economics
Biodiversity credits ↗
We have proven a layered, environmental economy that is currently transacting. It stops deforestation on the ground immediately by empowering local conservationists to take concrete action.
Fair-trade economics
We're bullish on being fair. We follow a fair-trade economic model with a long history of success in industries like coffee and agriculture. This model includes advance monthly micropayments for a basic living wage, and shared profits from all sales related to environmental activities. Landowners and staff who stay with the project long-term also qualify for company equity. Win-win.
Bridging & bonding social capital
We believe in strengths-based relationships with indigenous groups and local peoples. To understand why we have a relationship of equals with our growers, you have to understand social capital, all the things you can do for yourself without money.