Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Emilio’s farm

Emilio tells us what the jungle means to him. He recommends that we continue conserving the flora and fauna so that the animals can live there and breathe fresh air.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Hernan’s farm

Hernan, who has conserved the forests since 1980, has many species of seeds. He wants new generations to follow in his footsteps and is grateful to the company for supporting this work that requires love, strength, and time.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Luz’s farm

Luz Esther calls for conserving trees because they provide us with oxygen and water, which is a very important resource that we use daily.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Alba’s farm

Alba tells us about her passion for conserving forests so that she can have animals close by and so that people have the opportunity to meet them.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Tito’s farm

Tito tells us about nature and its importance which leads us to see it with different eyes. He recommends that we take care of the trees that provide oxygen, such an important resource to preserve the life of every living being.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Griselda’s farm

Griselda tells us that even though she no longer lives on her property, she continues to preserve it since a great variety of animals and water sources live there.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Damaris’ farm

Damaris, who feels very proud of growing up in the countryside surrounded by flora and fauna, gives us some advice to continue fighting to protect the environment.

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Villagarzón The Savimbo Project Villagarzón The Savimbo Project

Abelino’s farm

Abelino shares his story with us about why he decided to return to his property again and invites us to continue in the fight to preserve what we still have left.

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