Savimbo climate credits program

Savimbo values Trust. It’s important to us that all our Growers are aware of the terms of the program, feel comfortable talking to us directly, and agree to deal fairly with everyone involved in our project. Below you can learn more about our land quality rating system, calculate micropayments, and review our carbon credit contracts.

Grower information
For all Savimbo growers


We pay landowners with less than 1000ha enrolled in our carbon credits program a regional day rate based on the quality of the land they maintain. Then 20% of the revenue from Carbon Credit sale and resale — minus amounts already payed. You can calculate your rate below.

Land quality is recalculated on a monthly basis and can be improved by:

  • Reducing hunting so the animals come back

  • Planting >5 native tree species in a plot

  • Cultivating natural plants and flowers

  • Applying biochar

Savimbo will provide trees and pay the cost of replanting services, but the landowner must agree to replant alongside the crew, monitor trees, and validate survival for one year.

Savimbo rating system (SRS)

Paid days/week/100ha

Old forest with sentinal animals

Growth > 7 yrs



Grower payments calculator

Biodiversity credits program

Our biodiversity credit program is still undergoing certification and might have changes based on legal compliance and international scientific feedback in the coming months. Currently, we are offering:

  • 50% of biodiversity credit revenue to the Grower who originated the credit within 60 days of sale.

  • 7% of Savimbo equity is distributed between biodiversity of carbon Growers who have completed a successful year on their contract.

  • Enrollment is ongoing, please contact your local office to see if this program is available at your site yet.

Savimbo pays local monitoring staff a monthly salary independent of sales, provides equipment, identify and categorizes species, and performs scientific and market advocacy for the credit to be adopted on international markets.


Grower carbon contracts

Our contracts are designed to be transparent, fair, and scalable.

  • Please read the sample contracts fully, but take note of the following elements.

    - We do annual recurring contracts.
    - Growers get 20% of all revenue from their credits.
    - We subsidize growers with monthly micropayments in advance (like fair-trade coffee).

  • Our growers are independent. They own their own land, and their own trees, and we like it that way. We are a bit like a farming collective, or an agro-futures market. We help our growers aggregate to sell their crop of carbon credits internationally which gives them more economic power.

  • We believe in aligned incentives. Everyone we work with has the same motivations, and benefits from the same outcome: store carbon = make money = improve lives.


Grower portals