Extreme hiking

Our biodiversity experts are some of the toughest people on the planet. Hiking up to six hours a day through deep jungle. We strongly recommend deep jungle, cross-country hiking as cross-training for endurance athletes and sportspeople.

Jungle hiking rapidly improves knee stabilizers, abdominal muscles, and balance. The best pre-training is squats and lunges with a stabilizer muscle activator, core workouts like the plank, and Bikram or Ashtanga yoga to increase flexibility and balance prior to a fitness trip to the jungle.

Train with natural athletes, honed since childhood at the peak of human fitness in a natural environment.

This kind of hiking is dangerous and you will have a pass a test with local guides to be able to go on longer treks with natural hazards. You must be attended by a local guide at all times who will look for snakes on the path ahead of you.


Biodiversity monitoring


Agrobiodiversity: Chontaduro