
Savimbo values Trust. We’re tired of working in a messy, scandalous nature climate markets and we want to be part of the solution. We are creating Indigenous-led, Indigenous-friendly climate contracts that can be used internationally, and cross market.

Grower information
For all Savimbo growers and Indigenous Peoples around the world


Savimbo is fed up with the PILE of case studies of extractive Nature contracts. We're doing a market-wide cleanup using a Finance YCombinator model.

Savimbo has a panel of INDEPENDENT Indigenous leaders funded through our charitable arm that have organized for global activism in the structure, regulation, and basic science of the emerging biodiversity credit market. The best way to describe this relationship is they represent themselves, but they are our friends. Support them here:

We've seen nearly 8 case studies in the last month of, to be frank, incredibly SHITTY contracts signed illegally, or unethically by Indigenous peoples with companies who intentionally, or naively didn't protect their interests, respect their rights, or follow international legal protocols for who can sign and how. All case studies here.
😳 ONE Amazon
😳 Nemus
😳 Fico
You guys get the pattern. Just because it has "Nature" and "Indigenous" in the title does not mean it's legal or not an incredibly shitty colonial land-grab or data-grab, or traditional-ecological-knowledge grab. It's the mentality that's the problem.

It's time for a market-wide cleanup.

We've seen this before in the 90's. Startups were formed, investors were predatory, lots of people lost a lot of money in the bust. YCombinator cleaned it all up with their beautiful, public, contracts that anyone can use and that present an automatic solution.

We're going to do this for Indigenous climate contracts. Here the plan:
🌀 Our lawyers are AMAZEBALLS and they've worked their butts off to make our contracts multilingual, multimedia, plain language, protective of Indigenous peoples, and acceptable to international markets.
🌀 We're going to put these contracts through a 30-day international open review and encourage everyone we know to review them and tell us if we missed anything.
🌀 Then we're going to put these contracts public at and make it REALLY clear to EVERY Indigenous group we know that they should ONLY use these contracts for companies they work with.

So what do you guys think? You want to be part of the solution? Like, share, follow, comment or send me the best Indigenous rights lawyers in the business. Let's get this fixed. Signup form here:

Our current carbon contracts

Our contracts are designed to be transparent, fair, and scalable.

  • Please read the sample contracts fully, but take note of the following elements.

    - We do annual recurring contracts.
    - Growers get 20% of all revenue from their credits.
    - We subsidize growers with monthly micropayments in advance (like fair-trade coffee).

  • Our growers are independent. They own their own land, and their own trees, and we like it that way. We are a bit like a farming collective, or an agro-futures market. We help our growers aggregate to sell their crop of carbon credits internationally which gives them more economic power.

  • We believe in aligned incentives. Everyone we work with has the same motivations, and benefits from the same outcome: store carbon = make money = improve lives.